Wednesday, April 3, 2013



I know, I know, it's been a few months... and I've been quite the lazy bum...
...BUT, I am back in action on my blog! I have been updating Goodreads like a fiend the past few months, but I've been seriously lacking over here... boo on me.
So, I'm here to get back in the swing of things! And, what better way to do that than to review a book!
The most recent book I've read was "Pulse" by Patrick Carman.
It was a good story, overall. But, I was legitimately confused for a good portion of the story.
The year is 2051 and life as we know it, is over.
Our heroine, Faith, lives in a slowly dwindling 'town' outside of one of the World's 'States,' relying on her Tablet for basically everything. The only real 'family' we get to know is Liz who isn't even related to Faith. Parents in this society now have little to nothing to do with their kids, their only interaction through the tablets they carry with them at all times.
When the book begins, Faith and Liz are starting a new school. Since families are moving to the States, there aren't enough students to keep all the old schools open anymore, so every few months they condense the students into new locations.
Here she meets several people who change her life completely. She first meets Hawk in class, he's a small geeky kid who provided much entertainment for me throughout the story. Sometimes being in his head made me laugh out loud.
She also meets the twins, Wade and Clara, who honestly scare the crap out of me.
And, last but not least she meets Dylan.
I wish she could meet Dylan earlier in the story... but that's just personal preference ;)
Through these new acquaintances she learns about Pulse. A trait only found in a select few people outside the States, that we know of now at least, that allows the individual to move objects with their mind.
Pulse is pretty cool if you think about it, but it doesn't make a person invincible - something Faith learns through dealings with a certain someone.

The book had a great premise, and at times I could follow along fairly well. But, the POV switched a lot. One minute we're in Faith's head, the next we're learning Wade's personal feelings, the next Hawk's. It was just difficult to know exactly who was thinking what sometimes.
Also, Faith was a pretty awesome, at times badass, character. But, sometimes I really thought she may have multiple personality disorder, or some other medical condition. Maybe being abandoned by friends, and pretty much living alone can do that to a person. Either way, the story came together toward the end, and I look forward to seeing exactly what will happen in the second book. So, all in all, 4 stars :)