Sunday, April 13, 2014

Seriously... I'm an awful person.

Sooo.... it's been A YEAR since I've posted anything here.
Holy smokes, a year.
I can't even remember everything that's happened since then. Yikes.

That about sums it up.

Anywhos, I have some free time this afternoon and felt like dragging the old blog out and giving it a whirl for old times sake. I finished an amazing book last night and I feel as though I should tell everyone I come into contact with about it.

Okay? Okay.

Ha! Based on that, I bet you can't guess what book I just read... Okay, maybe you can because I literally just referenced it twice. My ability to be subtle is just insane... Obviously I just read 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green.
I had procrastinated for months when it came to reading this book, simply because I knew it was a book about kids with cancer, and I could pretty much guarantee I'd be a basket case during it.
After reading: That was a fair assessment.
But, it wasn't the sappy cancer-book I had been expecting - why have I not read John Green's books before this?! - naturally it had tears-running-down-your-face moments (see: the last third of the book) but it also had so much realness, and hilarity in the face of sorrow that I couldn't help but devour it.
Hazel Grace is someone I would aspire to be. She was strong even when she didn't think or care to be, and that was enlightening. Her humor was refreshing and weird and it made me smile even if sometimes it was at her own expense. Augustus Waters was just lovely. He matched Hazel in intellectual hilarity, and was also just a little weird. And I liked that. Because that's life. People are strange and beautiful and lovely, and I love that this story encompassed that. I love that Hazel over-analyzed a kiss in a dead person's home, and that Augustus went to so much trouble to create a Netherlands date, and mainly that they were each others infinities in a world that wasn't so quick to give them one. I digress.
Will you cry? If you don't you have no heart. Or, perhaps just aren't reading the book.
Will people die? Umm.. it's a book about kids with cancer, obviously death is a theme.
Will I love it regardless of my mascara running down my face? Abso-freaking-lutely.

I'll end this post with a quote I love, one that I'm sure to cry over when I re-read this book and especially when I see this movie in June. But, it's a cute quote none-the-less, and I think anyone can relate to it, sick or not. And, well, I'm a sucker for all infinity art :)

Sigh... Go Read This Book!

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