Thursday, August 2, 2012

Books that have influenced my life..

Twitter is pretty much my favorite. Over Facebook, even. There is something that I enjoy about only having 120 characters to get my point across, and not to mention, no games my friends are playing on Facebook filling up my newsfeed. Or, the new thing with Facebook, attaching EVERYTHING unrelated to the site to your profile. I'm sorry, I don't really want my grandmother and my boss to know my high score on 'SongPop' (even if I did beat my husband) or that I voted for some musician on 'America's Got Talent.' But I digress...
I enjoy Twitter because it allows us to actually 'chat' with those we normally wouldn't -- say an author. I feel a fangirl sense of glee when an author I love Tweets me back. Even if it's something insignificant, it means something to me. Typically, my Tweets consist of me gushing about their newest book I absolutely adored, and I want them to know. Because I think I'd like to know if someone enjoyed something I worked that hard on, myself. Everyone likes to feel as though something they have made/done has touched the lives of others.
Which brings me to the main point of this post (Jesus, finally!) Books that have influenced my life...
I was thinking about that as I got ready to go to bed tonight.
Have there been any books I could say without a doubt influenced my life?
I mentally skimmed a list of books I could remember having a lasting impression on me, trying to find an example of something I adjusted/changed based on something I had read. And the answer I came up with is that everything, no matter the subject matter, influences us. It may be a small influence, but ultimately we are made up of our experiences, and choices based on those experiences.
Even the fluffiest book imaginable can have an impact on your life.
Some characters influence us to make better decisions, or to think of others first. Other times, they will cause us to get angrier than we normally would at something. It all depends.
There have been plenty of books that I've read that have led me to make different small decisions, I just never realized it.
The power reading has is amazing. I hope to never tire of it :)

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